Simplified Zero Trust Infrastructure Access

Engineers need secure access to a complex collection of clusters, databases, and web servers, both on prem and across multiple cloud providers.

Companies continue to juggle an array of painful VPNs, homegrown bastion hosts, over-privileged certificate authorities, and cloud and database passwords. They trust third-party services that control all their credentials, which makes the service itself a target for attacks. And once access is granted, credentials are often over-privileged and long-lived, creating significant security risks.

How BastionZero Overcomes Infrastructure Access Challenges

BastionZero’s cloud service delivers zero trust access without creating a single point of compromise. It works with your IdP to quickly grant access across complex infrastructure with policy controls and observability — without a mess of passwords, VPNs, and SSH keys.

Other tools store all of the credentials to your targets and are so privileged that the tool itself becomes a risk. BastionZero doesn’t have access to your credentials or targets. Instead, it requires two roots of trust to grant a user access to a target. This prevents threat actors from getting into your infrastructure, even if one root of trust is compromised.

  • One-click Passwordless Authentication
  • Continuous Validation
  • Centralized Policy Across Clouds and Accounts
  • Real-time Visibility into User Activity
  • Eliminates Long-lived and Over-privileged Credentials
  • Stops Lateral Movement 
  • Accelerates Zero Trust Adoption

Overcome Your Secure Infrastructure Access Challenges

Automatically Find Targets

Infrastructure is complex and sprawls across data centers and various clouds. Just finding a target can be a manual slog. With BastionZero autodiscovery, targets are identified to the service without exposing them to the internet. And our unique security model ensures that the BastionZero service never has privileged access to your targets, which limits your blast radius in case of an attack.

Dramatically Speed Up Provisioning

It can take hours or days to grant simple access to servers, databases, and other critical infrastructure. BastionZero works with your IdP and existing workflows (like Slack), and allows you to set zero trust policies that grant the right level of access, just in time for the task at hand.

Avoid Complex Credential and SSH Key Management

It’s not easy to securely manage credentials in today’s enterprise. BastionZero eliminates the huge hassles of provisioning, decommissioning, and rotating passwords, tokens, and SSH keys. There’s no need to set up IAM roles across different clouds and accounts, which simplifies the process to on- and off-board users.

Reduce Cost and Complexity

Operations and security teams constantly experience “sticker shock” over how expensive and complex it is to properly manage secure remote access. There are too many moving parts — including multiple integrations, new proxies and jumphosts to set up and maintain, logs to collect and aggregate, and roles to assign and manage. With BastionZero, you can quickly and securely deliver access for engineering and development teams, without additional infrastructure to deploy or manage.

Retire Over-privileged Credentials and Stop Lateral Movement

Individual access to infrastructure is often broad and over-privileged, which makes companies vulnerable to errors, incidents, and adversarial lateral movement. Instead of granting access to networks, BastionZero delivers zero trust access to individual targets with exactly the privileges that your policies define.

Other solutions achieve this by assuming privilege for themselves, which makes them a target for attack. BastionZero operates without privilege. As defined by your policy, only people from your organization will  have access to your infrastructure to do their jobs.

Secure Access to Your Most Critical Infrastructure

Automatically Find Targets

BastionZero works with your IdP, adds an independent MFA, and unifies access via centralized policy for servers, containers, clusters, databases, and web servers across multiple clouds and on-prem environments.

BastionZero doesn’t have access to your credentials or targets, so it can’t log in, alter, or tamper with the communications between your engineers and your targets. Instead, it requires two roots of trust to grant a user access to a target. This prevents threat actors from getting into your infrastructure, even if one root of trust is compromised.


Simple and secure access to your remote Linux hosts, supporting your SSH workflows without needing to manage and maintain SSH keys. 


Native support for the Kubernetes API delivers secure access that’s cloud-agnostic and works with all of your workflows (kubeclt, K9s, lens, etc.)


Grant native zero trust remote access to the databases while eliminating the need to manage and distribute database passwords.

Web Servers

Native support delivers transparent secure access to both public and private web applications. Take your private applications off the internet and receive audit events for any application secured through BastionZero.

Frequently asked questions

What Is Infrastructure Access?

Modern infrastructure is what runs the business. It’s the databases, Kubernetes clusters, servers, and web servers that power applications and user experiences. It’s the most critical underpinning and a popular target for attackers, so every zero trust strategy needs to start at infrastructure access — who accessed what targets and exactly what happened when that access was granted?

Is BastionZero Zero Trust Network Access?

Although Zero Trust Network Access is a good thing, it’s not the only (or even the best) way to provide zero trust access to infrastructure. With BastionZero, you access targets, not networks. It removes the traditional network edge and eliminates the need for your users to hold long-lived credentials. Unlike ZTNA solutions, BastionZero doesn’t store your credentials or have privileged access to your targets. Instead, it requires two independent roots of trust to grant access to a user, which  prevents bad actors from getting into your infrastructure, even if one root of trust is compromised.

How Does BastionZero Fit into a Zero Trust Architecture Strategy?

Zero trust principles outlined by NIST and others highlight the critical need to eliminate over-privileged and long-lived credentials. BastionZero is a great way to accelerate your zero trust strategy while dramatically reducing your attack surface. Our security model uniquely uses two roots of trust (BastionZero and your IdP), so even if one is compromised, your infrastructure remains secure. Want to learn more? Check out Definitive Guide to Zero Trust Access.

How Does BastionZero Simplify Zero Trust Access Management?

BastionZero is a modern zero trust infrastructure access solution that works with your IdP and existing workflows. Our Zero Trust Access Management deploys in seconds, auto-discovers infrastructure targets, and enforces your fine-grain policy controls across clouds, databases, servers, and web servers. All without juggling server, database, and cloud passwords, keys, jump hosts, or other outdated approaches. And as your infrastructure, users, and policies change, BastionZero continuously evaluates your authorization controls and allows you to instantly revoke access when needed.

Don’t My Single Sign-On (SSO) and Identity Provider (IdP) Do This?

IdPs are a critical piece of the security stack; however, they are highly privileged, and they don’t solve the last-mile problem: how you get access to different roles on servers, containers, clusters, web, and database infrastructure across different cloud and on-prem environments. IdPs don’t provide just-in-time access or controls for accessing individual roles on specific targets, and they don’t create the command logs and session recordings that satisfy important compliance requirements. 

BastionZero works with your IdP to create two roots of trust that simplify access without disrupting your workflows. Our unique security architecture ensures that your infrastructure is secure even if your IdP is compromised.

What Are BastionZero’s Auditing Capabilities?

BastionZero generates many types of events that can be viewed from the administrator’s UI or exported through our API. You can see different types of events, ranging from shell commands (including from Kubernetes exec), full session recordings, user and service account connection events, as well as audit events. Retrieve these as full logs, or apply criteria-based filterings, such as SSO user, target user, target name or time of day — just to name a few.

How Does BastionZero Help with SOC 2 and ISO 27001 Compliance?

BastionZero makes it easy to address common criteria around controlling identities, access, monitoring, and audit logs that are essential for popular compliance frameworks. And for good reason; your auditors know that infrastructure access is one of the most popular vectors for breaching an organization, and they want to know that you have it locked down.

Is BastionZero a VPN Alternative for Secure Remote Access (SRA)?

Absolutely. VPNs provide network access, and still require you to build an infrastructure access system behind the VPN. BastionZero provides access without a VPN, and solves the “last mile” problem of managing credentials to servers, Kubernetes, web or database infrastructure. It easily delivers access to infrastructure targets with authentication, authorization, and audit logging built in. Learn more about BastionZero vs. VPNs here.

Can You Tunnel Any Protocol Over BastionZero?

Yes! BastionZero’s secure authenticated tunnel never terminates and reinitiates the connection in our cloud service, which can harm performance and limit the set of protocols that can run through the service. With BastionZero’s connection architecture, any protocol can be tunneled through the secure connection. BastionZero’s authentication, authorization, and policy service are all applied to a user connecting to an application, whether it’s based on OFTP (1986, trust us, it works!) or a modern web app.

Can BastionZero Deliver Secure Database Access?

Yes. BastionZero provides native support for secure database access without the mess of distributing and managing database passwords to your users. With BastionZero, you have the option to utilize JIT policy-based access control and instant revocation, which is difficult to achieve with jumphosts and VPN architectures.

How Does BastionZero Handle Multi-Cloud Access Management?

BastionZero is completely cloud agnostic, providing centralized policy and zero trust access across clouds and accounts. You can write fine-grained policies that control access to your targets via a single web console or API endpoint. BastionZero makes it easy to control exactly which user can assume which role/account on which target, across all your different clouds and environments.
