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Generalizing OpenPubkey to any Identity Provider

When we first released OpenPubkey, it was interoperable with many OPs (like Google and GitHub), but not with all of them. In fact, when we started this project, there was an actual technological limitation that prevented OpenPubkey from working with certain OPs, including GitLab’s OP. And support for GitLab’s OP was one of our most requested features.‍ Well, today I’m happy to announce that last week’s release of OpenPubkey v0.3.0 smashes through this limitation. OpenPubkey now interoperates with any OpenID Provider. 

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Announcing the Release of OpenPubkey v0.3.0

I’m happy to announce we have a new release of OpenPubkey (Release v0.3.0). I want to thank all 10 contributors whose hard work got this release over the finish line: @asamborski @EthanHeilman @lgmugnier @mrjoelkamp @jonnystoten and especially the new contributors: @johncmerfeld @kipz @tg123 @ymarcus93. OpenPubkey is a protocol for leveraging OpenID Providers (OPs) to bind identities to public keys. It adds user- or workload-generated public keys to OpenID Connect (OIDC), enabling entities to sign messages or artifacts under their OIDC identity. 

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High availability features for databases and other virtual targets

Last week, we blogged about a high-availability feature for Kubernetes (“multi-replica support for k8s”), that ensures your cluster is accessible even if a bzero agent is inadvertently evicted from your cluster. Specifically, the feature supports multiple replicas of the bzero agent on a single cluster. Today, we continue our series on the high-availability features of BastionZero with a similar feature for databases and other virtual targets.

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